About Me

"I have a lifetime of personal experience in overcoming hurdles and reaching a place of balance in terms of mental strength, emotional health and physical well being."
Hi I'm Antonia
a married Mum of two daughters in addition to holding the privileged position of also being a step mum. Whilst I try to enjoy a healthy lifestyle most of the time it’s not always possible or realistic!
I’m not superwoman but much like you I try to cram in as much as possible! I know and understand all too well how busy our lives can be leaving little time for ‘you’. Sound familiar? Add in a few unexpected bumps in the road on top of our overflowing plates and it doesn’t take much for our emotional, mental and physical health to suffer.
At certain times of my life I have experienced ill health in all three areas. Looking back these episodes all coincided with periods of extreme stress, over working, over training, baby loss, delayed post traumatic stress, a subsequent divorce and being a single Mum for a time.
I can also share that I have been perimenopausal for at least six years now, yes I really do get what midlife women are going through. I've experienced acute anxiety, low mood, night sweats, sore joints, brain fog, low energy, sleep issues, itchy skin plus more. It can be an isolating time of life where you don't necessarily feel like the best version of yourself.
As a result I have a lifetime of personal experience in overcoming hurdles and reaching a place of balance in terms of mental strength, emotional health and physical well being. All of which has been achieved not with wholesale change, but with small daily achievable action steps over time along with various science backed tools and techniques.
I am now passionate about sharing what I have learned in order to make a positive impact! My mission is to help you live a more fulfilling, balanced and healthy life empowering you to take positive, achievable action steps. It’s about the whole picture, our mindset, our feelings, our behaviours and ultimately our choices that lead to long lasting change.
We’ve only got one life, I want to help you live it!
Adv Dip, BSc (hons), MCMA
what is mindset and behaviour change coaching?
In addition to my own personal experience, I have an advanced diploma in holistic lifestyle and nutrition coaching from the Australian Mind Body Food Institute. This advanced diploma has qualified me in the certifications below allowing me to coach as a mindset and behaviour change specialist.
I have also qualified as a certified MyMT™ Menopause lifestyle practitioner and weight loss coach at the New Zealand My Menopause Transformation Institute.
I have completed over 400 hours of study, reading and practical coaching in this area alongside a 25 year corporate career specialising in partnerships and relationships.
I am also a member of the complementary medical association.

book a consultation
get in touch today to book your FREE consultation by emailing antonia@healthyhabitslife.co.uk or visit the contact form by clicking the button below.